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Lacy J Dalton Receives Josie Music Lifetime Achievement Award & Delivers Iconic Star Performance

The Grand Ole Opry Has An Amazing Storied History Of Legendary And Iconic Talent And Has Hosted Many Of Them Hundreds Of Times And Tonight Was One Of Those Nights

Above You See The Iconic Lacy J Dalton At The 8th Annual Josie Awards Talking To The Life Box Media Channel And What A Breath Of Fresh Air And A True Pleasure For Us To Do So

We Thought This Would Be One Of The Highlights Of The Red Carpet Of The 8th Annual Josie Awards And Lacy J Dalton Was For Sure BUT We Should Have Known Lacy J Dalton Would Not Be A One Trick Pony With Her Charm Class And Warming Personality

Lacy J Dalton Steps On The Stage To One Of Two A Huge Standing Ovations In The Grand Ole Opry Of Her Peers And Fans

With Class And Dignity Lacy J Dalton Accepts Her Josie Music Lifetime Achievement Award And Then Tears Down The House Singing And Erased Any Doubt We Had None But Just In Case Someone Out Did Not Know This Icon Can Still Howl And I Mean Really Sing That Gave People Chills And Her Performance Demanded Another Standing Ovation WOW

Put Lacy J Dalton Back On The Radio NOW WHY Because She Can Deliver As Good As ANYONE

More Video To Come

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